Trade OK
Trade PRO
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As a verified Trade OK member, you increase your credibility with buyer and gain access to EC21's vast database of global buyers.
Join the global market with Trade OK.
Who needs Trade OK?
    The company who has difficulty in finding the buyers withall good quality products.
  The company who needs worldwide overseas promotion only with small charge.
  The company who wants to find OEM buyer
  The company who has its own brand but its product value hasn't been unnoticed.
Why do you need Trade OK?
    Buyers have difficulties in selecting a reliable supplier. Show them that you are a verified
  EC21 is the most popular e-marketplace in the world. Promote your products on ec21.
  There arrive around 400 thousands of buyers' inquiries every month. Increase sharply your
What do you get from Trade OK?
Affluent buyers - You can search and browse the buyers from 220 country which are classified with 900 categories.
Buyers' confidence - Through your company verification, buyers send you inquiries with confidence.
Create my homepage - You can have high - quality product catalogs and homepage with ease.
Distinguished promotion - You can promote your products specially in the world class e-marketpalce, EC21.
Customer service - Your industry specialist helps you to match with the buyers
What is in Trade OK?
  Supplier verification
  EC21 checks if your company is legally registered and authenticated after inquiring to the world-class credit companies such as D & B & AsianCIS. It will make the buyers contact with you confidence.
  You can create your own homepage and product catalogs easily with site builder system. With the advanced functions of site builder, you'll be able to open a sophisticated showroom on EC21 and exhibit as many as numbers of products through it.
  Online Promotion
  Prime Listing
  Your trade leads, products catalog, homepage will be prime listed in EC21 and they will bring you much more inquiries with attractive impressions.
  Trade OK Logo
  You can get Trade OK logo on your trade leads, products catalog,company directory and homepage. It will give credit and trust for the buyers.
  Global Buyer
  Global Buyer database
  You'll be authorized to access buyers database which aggregates hundreds of thousands of buyers information covering whole categories of products from over 220 countries.
  My Buyer
    You can select the suitable buyers and have your own buyer database. With one click, your business proposals are sent to your buyers.
  Customer service
  The industry specialist with excellent export-import know-how will always serve as your trading consultant.
For as little as
USD 360 / 1year
  * Contact Us
  Tel : (82-2) 6000 - 6621
Fax :(82-2) 6000 - 5310
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