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Why Advertise on EC21? Advertisement Types and Rates
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Advertise online with EC21!
EC21's B2B portal site receives over 600,000 page hits every day and is viewed by more than 300,000 global traders every month.
Why Advertise on EC21?
  • 600,000~700,000 page views a day
  • 200,000~300,000 unique visitors a month
  • 500,000 outgoing inquiries a month
  • More than 500,000 offers and 400,000 products
  • Top 1~2 ranking in Global Business and Trade field on Alexa.com
    Advertisement Types and Rates
    * PC(Product Catalogs), TL(=Trade Leads), CD(=Company Directory)

    No. Location Type of Ad Size(Pixels) Price
    A Top of Main page Main Banner 770*45 USD 1,000/week
    B Middle of Main Page Featured Products 65*67 USD 200/week
    C Sub-Product Catalog Product Catalog Banner 160*340 USD 300/month
    D Sub-Product Catalog Hot Products Banner 80*80 USD 400/month
    E Sub-Trade Leads Trade Leads Banner 160*340 USD 300/month
    F Sub-Company Directory Company Directory Banner 160*340 USD 300/month
    G Keyword Search Results
    - TL, PC, CD*
    Keyword Banner 160*340 USD 200/month
    H Search Results Page
    -TL, PC*
    Category Banner-large 160*340 USD 200/month
    I Search Results Page
    - TL, PC, CD*
    Category Banner-small 160*340 USD 200/month

  • Banner design free of charge
  • Specification and pricing subject to change
  • Please ask about long-term and quantity discounts

  • [Main Page]

    Advertisement type

    [Sub-Product Catalogs, Trade Leads, Company Directory]

    Advertisement type

    [Keyword Search Result Page]

    Advertisement type

    [Search Result Page]

    Advertisement type
    How to Advertise?
    1) Remit payment
  • Beneficiary: EC21
  • Bank: Woori Bank
  • Account No.: 600-252487-41-007
  • Swift Code: HVBKKRSE
  • Bank Telephone: 82-2-551-1701
  • Bank Address: B1, Trade Tower, World Trade Center Seoul, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
  • 2) Send the following to here
  • Product images and ad copy
  • Your preferred EC21 Category or Keyword
  • URL link to your advertisement
  • Duration of advertisement (months)
  • Your EC21 ID (if you have one)
  • Confirmation of payment
  •    3) We will notify you upon receipt of your ad data and funds, and will display    your banner on the EC21 website within a few days.

    Contact Us
      Please click here if you require further information. Thank You